-July 21, 2016: Businessman Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination for President of the United States. He selects Kelly Ayotte as his running-mate.
-November 8, 2016: Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton loses the presidential election to Trump/Ayotte.
-January 20, 2017: President Donald Trump and Vice President Kelly Ayotte are inaugurated.
-First Term (2017-2021): President Trump uses the Republican majority in Congress to pass alot of conservative legislation but also pass much liberal legislation, surprisingly. Trump's plan to deport millions is not carried through on but a pathway to citizenship is granted. Trump caves on the repeal of Obamacare and instead adds provisions to it. Trump increases funding to the military/defense budget to allow the construction of more aircraft carriers and UAVs. Trump attacks without provocation the nation of Syria in order to destroy ISIS, the plan fails miserably and furthers the spread of ISIS. Trump initiates a space defense apparatus program similar to Reagan's Star Wars and to use it on ISIS strongholds on the Iraqi/Syrian border. The economic progress made by Obama is wiped clean. During the 2018 midterms, the House gains Democratic control while the Senate remains in Republican hands. Trump's plans become more obstructed by the Democrats who implicitly seem to be repaying the Republicans for their years of obstruction.
-Second Term (2021-2022): President Trump is re-elected in a 50/50 election against former HUD secretary Julian Castro. Trump dies in office due to a heart attack causing Vice President Kelly Ayotte to become president. Kelly Ayotte becomes the first female president by default. Under Kelly Ayotte, the country becomes increasingly more conservative and more fascist. Anti-intellectual mobs roam the internet and scientists are ridiculed for their blasphemous heresay. Atheists are banned from running from office and creationism becomes the dominant origin story taught in classrooms.
-Ayotte's turn (2022-202x?): Many liberals in hiding from the roving "patriot militias" on the streets speculate that Kelly Ayotte is Greg Stillson in the flesh, a character from Stephen King's The Dead Zone. Ayotte declares war on Russia and a limited nuclear war ensues. Ayotte is killed and the Russians invade, a group of school kids in Colorado fight against the Russian Amerika. Wolverines! Eventually the war is won by the good guys and America rebuilds as it tries to forget an era where ignorance and stupidity reigned and nearly destroyed the world in the process.
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